Tax Preparer

Malachi Green is a Tax Preparer who is passionate about helping clients with tax optimization. His journey in tax experience started back in 2021 with a focus on tax preparation, and he aspires to become a recognized tax consultant. Malachi’s key achievements include excellent analytical skills for solving mathematical problems while being attentive and detail-oriented to ensure accurate calculations and to avoid errors

Malachi Green is proficiency in related software including UltraTax, Microsoft Excel, and Word. Malachi is known for attention to detail and being extremely well in numbers and accounting, he has a proven track record in paying attention to detail and having professional, detailed connection with his clients. A leader in DQ Tax Service, Malachi Green is driven by inspiration and goal oriented to better himself. Outside the office when he is not crunching numbers, he enjoys Lacrosse and keeping fit in the gym and hanging out with his friends.  His passion is to someday be in business for himself and help others achieve their weight loss success stories.